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Slime Balls
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Wheels Dressen Vomit Mini II | White/Black 97A 56mm
Slimeballs Eric Dressen guest pro Vomit Mini in black/white split dye featuring art by Thomas Fernandez @liveradstudios.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Wheels Light Ups W/Red And Yel Led | OG Slime 78A 60mm
Slimeballs Light Ups feature LED lights that light up when you roll, powered by the rotation of the wheel and bearing.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Wheels Screw Balls Speed Balls | Green 99A 53mm
Slimeballs Screw Balls Speed Balls wheels feature graphic art by Falu @falucarolei based on the original art by Jim Phillips.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Wheels Snot Rockets | Pastel Pink 95A 54mm
Slimeballs Snot Rockets feature versitile and forgiving rounded edge shape with performance on a budget.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Wheels Light Ups w/Green LED Bearings | OG Slime 78A 60mm
Slimeballs Light Ups feature LED lights that light up when you roll, powered by the rotation of the wheel and bearing.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls OG Slime Light Ups 78a 60mm Wheels
The Slime Balls Light Up wheels feature green LED lights that light up when you roll, powered by the rotation of the wheel and bearing.
Slime Balls
Slime Balls Greetings Purple/Black Wheels 99A | 53mm
These Santa Cruz Slime Balls Greetings Speed Balls carry on the legacy of an iconic wheel that more skaters than you can count religiously rode through out the ’80s!